Angiosarcoma of Anterior Abdominal Wall : A Rare Entity

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Varshaa J, Vikram Yogish, Ashiq Gowthaman, Eazhisaichelvan


Primary angiosarcoma is a rare malignant tumor originating from mesenchymal tissue, originating from endothelial cells and lymphatic vessels. In present case report, we reported a rare case of angiosarcoma at anterior abdominal wall in elderly male. On the basis of clinical findings and USG findings an elective excision biopsy was performed. Histopathological impression was poorly circumscribed high grade highly infiltrative malignant tumor with ramifying vascular pattern, compatible with malignant angiosarcoma tumor of vascular origin.Although rare, angiosarcoma should be included as differential diagnosis in cases of mobile abdominal lumps. Histopathology and immunohistochemistry are very important tools for diagnosis and should be considered in such cases.

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