Consequence Analysis of Gas Release, Fire and Explosion in H2S Removal Unit

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Budi Sulistiyo Nugroho, Restu Ramadhani Pratama Putra, Zami Furqon, Farid Alfalaki Hamid, Arif Nurrahman, Annasit, Aprilia Indah Mandaka, Genoveva Lestari Kulaleen, Adhi Kurniawan


The oil and gas industry has a high risk of process accidents such as gas release, fire, and explosion that can cause death, injury, environmental damage, property damage, decreased company reputation, and financial losses. H2S removal unit has a high potential for process accidents, so it is necessary to analyze the consequences of gas release, fire, and explosion to determine the impact caused. This study aims to analyze the consequences of gas release, fire, and explosion in the H2S removal unit, identify hazardous zones, and estimate asset damage and production loss. The method used is consequence analysis based on simulation of gas release, fire, and explosion using Shell FRED software, with independent variables in the form of actual operating conditions, feed composition data, and meteorological data, and dependent variables in the form of radius or range of consequences of gas release, fire, and explosion. The results showed that corrosion of pipe joints, valves, or Amine Contactor structures is the most likely scenario to cause gas release, fire, and explosion. The results of the gas release consequence analysis state that the hazardous zone is the zone reached by H2S concentrations of 76 ppm to 41 ppm which has a radius of 17.1 m. The hazardous zone for jet fire consequence is the zone reached by jet flame up to the zone reached by thermal radiation of 37.5 kW/m² which has a radius of 60.53 m. The danger zone for flash fire consequences is the zone reached by 100% LFL concentration which has a radius of 40.84 m. The hazardous zone for vapor cloud explosion consequences is the zone reached by an overpressure of 0.7 bar to 0.34 bar which has a radius of 17.78 m. Asset damage is estimated at US$ 1,408,575.4387 and production loss at US$ 227,805.4751/day, bringing the total loss for one month to US$ 8,242,739.6916. Therefore, the company must prepare a preventive measure or mitigation of this consequence.

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