The Effect of Noise and Pulse Rate on Blood Pressure Through Work Fatigue as an Intervening Variable in PT. Indonesian Ship Industry (PERSERO) Makassar
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Introduction: Noise is a form of pollution that can harm humans and the environment if it exceeds the threshold value (NAV).
Objectives: The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of noise and pulse rate on blood pressure through work fatigue as an intervening variable in PT. Indonesian Ship Industry (Persero) Makassar.
Methods: Quantitative methods are carried out. A total of 75 production employees at PT. The Indonesian Ship Industry (Persero) Makassar became a sample using total sampling from April – May 2024. Primary data sources and data collection techniques are carried out by questionnaires,documentation,observation, and interviews,. Data analysis was carried out using Bivariate Analysis, Univariate Analysis, and Multivariate Analysis.
Results: This study found that noise and pulse affect work fatigue and blood pressure. Noise increases work fatigue, leading to higher blood pressure. High pulse rates also contribute to fatigue and high blood pressure.
Conclusions: Based on the results, it concludes that there is an effect of noise and pulse on blood pressure through work Fatigue in PT. Indonesian Ship Industry (Persero) Makassar.