Analysis of Risk Factors for Traffic Accidents Among Online Motorcycle Taxi Drivers in Makassar City in 2024

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Satriani, Atjo Wahyu, Lalu Muhammad Saleh, Furqaan Naiem, Yahya Thamrin, Shanti Riskiyani


Introduction: As the technology in transportation field develops, numerous companies utilized this chance to invent new business called online transportation. The annual high growing rate of vehicle have caused many traffic accidents caused by several factors, including the driver, environment, and vehicle. However, the most significant factor is the human error itself.

Objectives: This research aims to know the traffic accident risk factor on online transportation drivers in Makassar City.

Methods: Cross-Sectional approach was applied, utilizing 96 samples from Non-Probability of Purposive Sampling.

Results: Results found relationship between fatigue (ρ=0.001), sleeping quality (ρ=0.021), driving behaviour (ρ=0.000), workload (ρ=0.012), vehicle condition (ρ=0.013) with the traffic accident, and no relationship between working period (ρ=0.486) and road condition (ρ=0.208) with traffic accident on online motorcycle taxi drivers in Makassar City. Among them, driving behaviour is the most significant factor causing traffic accident with Exp(B)/OR value of 14.391.  

Conclusions: This research discovered relationship between fatigue, sleeping quality, driving behavior, workload, and vehicle condition with traffic accident, yet no relationship between working period and road condition with the traffic accident. Among the variables, driving behavior is the most significant factor in causing the traffic accidents on online motorcycle taxi drivers in Makassar City.

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