Clinical Evaluation of Performances of Two Commonly Used Grafts Materials During Indirect Sinus Augmentation Technique (ISAT) in Artophic Maxillary Alveoli: An In- Vivo (Original Research Study)

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Nivedita Mall, Amrita Pritam, Richa Dokania


Background and Aim: Grafts are frequently utilized in defective bony sites and other indicated situations. Quality and quantity of grafts usually depends upon the circumstantial need of patients. Many clinical methods have been tried by numerous clinicians to rectify this problem however, none of the method is appears to be perfect. Hence this in vivo study was conducted to evaluate the performances of two commonly used grafts materials during indirect sinus augmentation technique (ISAT) in artophic maxillary alveoli.

Materials and Methods: This in vivo study involved 18 patients those were studied with preset objectives. Both male and female patients were included in the study. Single implant per patients with bone grafts was studied. Group 1 patients included 9 patients wherein B-Ostin HT Series 100% Synthetic Bonegraft Material was used during indirect sinus augmentation technique for unsatisfactory alveolar bone heights. Group 2 patients included 9 patients wherein Eucare Sybograf Sterile Synthetic Hydroxyapatite Bone Graft was used during indirect sinus augmentation technique for inadequate alveolar bone heights. The responses were studied as successful and unsuccessful in 5 months post-operative periods.

Statistical Analysis and Results: In Group 1, (for B-Ostin HT Series, n=9) total 7 patients showed successful outcomes with highly significant p value (0.01). 2 patients showed Unsuccessful responses with non-significant p value. In Group 2 for Eucare Sybograf Sterile Synthetic Hydroxyapatite Bone Graft, total 6 patients showed successful outcomes with highly significant p value (0.02). ANOVA showed highly important level of significance which was calculated for between the groups (0.001).

Conclusion: Authors concluded that both of the experimented graft materials were clinically satisfactory however number of successful cases were higher with B-Ostin HT grafts as compared with Eucare Sybograf Sterile Synthetic Hydroxyapatite Bone Graft. Authors also presume some other long term future studies so as to set up other significant guidelines in these perspectives.

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