Clinical Assessment and Comparison of Esthetic Outcomes and Acceptability of Open Faced Stainless Steel Crowns and Pre-Veneered Stainless Steel Crowns: An (In Vivo) Original Research Study

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Amrita Pritam, Richa Dokania, Nivedita Mall, Shrishti Varshney, Shikha Suman


Background & Aim: Pulp therapy is one of the most practiced treatments in the pedodontics. Stainless steel crowns are advised since decades for managing these situations. Several advanced options of Stainless steel crowns are available these days to strengthen these teeth including open faced stainless steel crowns and pre-veneered stainless steel crowns. Hence, this in-vivo study was conducted to assess and compare the esthetic outcomes and acceptability of open faced stainless steel crowns and pre-veneered stainless steel crowns.

Materials and Methods: The study included total 20 pediatric patients who had undergone pulp therapy and or other restorative procedures and advised for stainless steel crowns. Only one tooth per patient was included for the study. Group 1 had 10 patients in which Open Faced Stainless Steel Crowns was given. Similarly in group 2 had 10 patients in which pre-veneered stainless steel crowns were given. Patients were recalled after one and two week timings to record the responses by Visual analog scale at different scale scorings. Statistical analysis was implemented to formulate the outcomes and results. P value less than 0.05 was taken as significant.

Statistical Analysis and Results: For Group 1, after 1 week of crown cementation most acceptable VAS score 0-2 was noticed in 7 patients. Here p value was exceedingly significant (0.01). VAS score 3-7 was noticed in 2 patients and it was not statistically significant. VAS score 8-10 was noticed in 1 patients and it was not statistically significant. For Group 2, after 1 week of crown cementation most acceptable and appropriate VAS score 0-2 was noticed in 6 patients. Here p value was not significant (0.09). VAS score 3-7 was noticed in 3 patients and it was statistically significant (0.02).

Conclusion: Authors concluded that both Open Faced Stainless Steel Crowns and Pre-Veneered Stainless Steel Crowns are clinically useful however; VAS results were more positive for Open Faced Stainless Steel Crowns. Therefore, Open Faced Stainless Steel Crowns are appearing more esthetically acceptable than Pre-Veneered Stainless Steel Crowns.  

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